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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/21/14 Things That Save Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.12.21_Things_that_save.pdf 2014.12.21_Things_that_save.mp3
12/21/14 Galatians 3 Gary Calton Galatians Sun PM 2014.12.21_Galatians_3.pdf 2014.12.21_Galatians_3.mp3
12/14/14 Sitting at the Feet of Jesus Chuck Bramble N/A Sun AM 2014.12.14_Sitting_at_the_feet_of_Jesus.pdf 2014.12.14_Sitting_at_the_Feet_of_Jesus.mp3
12/14/14 Galatians 2 Gary Calton Galatians Sun PM 2014.12.14_Galatians_2.pdf 2014.12.14_Galatians_2.mp3
12/07/14 Galatians 1 Gary Calton Galatians Sun PM 2014.12.07_Galatians_1.mp3
11/09/14 The Right Time Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.11.09_The_Right_Time.pdf 2014.11.09_The_Right_Time.mp3
11/09/14 Enemy Of Truth Larry Phair N/A Sun PM 2014.11.09_Enemy_Of_Truth.pptx 2014.11.09_Enemy_Of_Truth.mp3
10/12/14 Self Control Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.10.12_Self_Control.pdf 2014.10.12_Self_Control.mp3
10/12/14 2 Corinthians 7-8 Gary Calton 2 Corinthians Sun PM 2014.10.12_2_Corinthians_7-8.pdf 2014.10.12_2_Corinthians_7-8.mp3
10/05/14 Canon -- Evidence for NT McGarvey Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.10.05__Canon_--_Evidence_for_NT_McGarvey.pdf 2014.10.15_Canon_of_the_New_Testament.mp3
10/05/14 2 Corinthians 6 Gary Calton 2 Corinthians Sun PM 2014.10.05_2_Corinthians_6.pdf 2014.10.05_2_Corinthians_6.mp3
09/28/14 2 Corinthians 5 Gary Calton N/A Sun PM 2014.09.28_2_Corinthians_5.mp3
09/21/14 Why I want to Go to Heaven Chuck Durham N/A Sun PM 2014.09.21_Why_I_want_to_Go_to_Heaven.mp3
09/14/14 Made In the Image of God Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.09.14_Made_In_the_Image_of_God.pdf 2014.09.14_Made_In_the_Image_of_God.mp3
09/07/14 Cast All of Our Burdens on Him Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.09.07_Cast_all_of_Our_Burdens_on_Him.mp3 2014.09.07_Cast_all_of_Our_Burdens_on_Him.pdf
09/07/14 2 Corinthians 3 Gary Calton 2 Corinthians Sun PM 2014.09.07_2_Corinthians_3.pdf 2014.09.07_2_Corinthians_3.mp3
08/31/14 2 Corinthians 2 Gary Calton 2 Corinthians Sun PM 2014.08.31_2_Corinthians_2.mp3
08/31/14 Praise God Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.08.31_Praise_God.mp3
08/17/14 Psalms 23 Gary Calton N/A Sun PM 2014.08.17_Psalms 23.mp3
08/10/14 Why Does God Allow Humans to Suffer Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.08.10_Why Does God Allow Humans to Suffer.pdf 2014.08.10_Why Does God Allow Humans to Suffer.mp3
08/10/14 Walk Like a Christian Scott Jeffries N/A Sun PM 2014.08.10_Walk Like a Christian.pdf 2014.08.10_Walk Like a Christian.mp3
08/03/14 Parables Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.08.03_Parables.pdf 2014.08.03_Parables.mp3
08/03/14 1 Corinthians 16 Gary Calton N/A Sun PM 2014.08.03_1 Corinthians 16.pdf 2014.08.03_1 Corinthians 16.mp3
07/27/14 The Bible is Number One Gary Calton N/A Sun AM 2014.07.27_The Bible is Number One.mp3
07/27/14 Change Management for Christians Daniel Beaver N/A Sun PM 2014.07.27_Change Management for Christians.mp3

Displaying 451 - 475 of 684

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