Our Beliefs
We believe the Bible contains all things necessary for life and godliness (2Pet 1:3) and is the standard we will be judged by (Jn 12:48). As a result, we try to follow God's word and you will see simplicity in our services, where we will follow the Bible. We find the reason the New Testament church came together was to proclaim the Lord's death (1Cor 11:20, 26 Acts 20:7) and we do the same. While the saints were assembled, they gave as they were prospered (1Co 16:1-2). Coupling these verses, we find the New Testament church met each first day of the week to proclaim the Lord's death. While they were gathered they sang (Col 3:16 Eph 5:19), they prayed (Acts 13:3) and they taught (Acts 20:7) and we do the same.
Our pastors, also referred to as elders, bishops, overseers and presbyters, are men (Acts 20:17, 28 Eph 4:11 1Tim 3:2) as are our deacons. (1Tim 3:12)
We do not use instrumental music, because they didn't. We do not have choirs because they didn't. We do not use women in leadership positions in worship services because they didn't.
We are really simple folks, striving to serve God by following His will as closely as possible.
We invite you to join with us.